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When I am attempting to change something in my life there is one thing that I have learned that never fails. I need this one thing to be true at a very deep level of my heart. This one thing is to be "willing". Just to be willing allows the possibility for change.
Sometimes, things pop into our awareness and a light bulb goes off that this is possibly something that needs to be different or it's in our face that it has to be different now! Regardless of how it shows up, we are made aware of the need. Sometimes it shows up in our awareness and we recognize the need for a change, but there is a resistance deep inside that wants to keep holding on to that thought process, habit, fear, or resistance. The ego goes about trying to talk us into keeping it for a little bit longer or to just ignore it. Unless we are determined to work on these issues, the ego usually gets it's way and on goes the pattern.
The trick is to recognize the ego's sleight of hand and not just agree with it because you don't feel the willingness to work on it or the willingness to let the change take place. This is where I have used a deeper technique of stating that "I am willing to be made willing". This goes beyond the ego's false boundaries and bypasses any resistance to change that may be lurking in the shadows.
Still not feeling the willingness to change? I have been there too. This is where I believe that going as deep as you need to go to eradicate the resistance is necessary. What do I mean? There are times when the resistance has nothing to do with you in this lifetime, especially if the issue is something that you have tried to work on in the past with no lasting results. That pattern may be attached to you at a soul/spirit level that goes back many ancestral generations, lifetimes, across dimensional timelines, past, present, and future, and well you get the picture. So in order to break that bond and release the pattern, it must be severed back to the very beginning. You can be the one to set it right forever!
It's no accident that you are reading this, you have been led here by Spirit to see this truth and to experience a freeing act of love for yourself. As I am writing this I am resistant but compelled to keep writing. I am resistant because my ego is giving me a "who do you think you are" , but my spirit knows that the words that I am compelled to put on this page are not coming from my self made wisdom. This comes from what I am inspired by Spirit to write for you to find so that you can finally find the freedom that you are so desperately looking for. It also comes from personal experience in using it for myself.
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Buddhist Proverb
I was a willing and ready student and the answers came to me through various sources, through synchronistic meanderings. These truths are nothing new, they have been around for a very long time, finding them makes them treasure.
To get to the root of the pattern, sit in meditation, open yourself to the leading of your inner guide to go back as many generations, lifetimes, dimensions, past, present, and future as needed. When you are ready, state your recognition of the pattern and your desire to eradicate it from your life once and for all of time, then start repeating "I am willing to be made willing, to be made willing, to be made willing, to be made willing......". Keep going and allow Spirit to lead you back as far as you need to go. When you physically feel at peace and no longer feel compelled to continue going back, go forward into the future, then go dimensionally (up, down, left, right, front, back) as you feel led to do. Again when you feel at peace and no longer compelled to keep going, then you will know that you have completed the clearing. Then forgive and express gratitude for the loving presence that will replace the pattern with a new divinely appointed pattern. It may or may not be necessary for you to go into all of the different aspects of what I have described. Everyone is different, so do what feels right for you.
Once the clearing is done, you will probably feel lighter, enjoy this as it may be a strange feeling for you. You may even feel raw, sleepy, light headed, etc. Make sure to take the time to give yourself nurturing and love yourself through small acts of kindness even if it is just looking in the mirror, smiling, and saying out loud "I love me". If anything else comes up as a result of this clearing," rinse and repeat ". I know that for myself, there have been many petals to open in the lotus of my soul and when the time is right each will open to reveal the beauty within which is the true self connected to Spirit and filled with love....
Have you ever had the thought "It doesn't matter what I think." or "It's just a thought." . What if you knew that behind every thought, there is the possibility for the manifestation of a dream?
"Inspiration is Spirit's nudge to the heart and mind to manifest through the power of intention,
while using the imagery in our imagination and the feeling of our emotions to begin to give life to our thoughts."
Have you placed your imagination on the 'shelf' of life telling yourself that you don't have time for daydreaming or by just being caught up in life on a daily basis? On the other hand it could also be that electronics have taken up much of the time that could be spent with our imaginations.
Were you told as a child to stop daydreaming and have it said to you in such a way as to cause you to make the silent decision to stop forever? So many of us have done that and the results are that instead of purposely and magnificently directing the path that our life will take by using our imagination to see what it is that we desire, we allow our ego to misguide us through images of past experiences that were not in the direction that we would have chosen if in our right heart and mind space.
In other words if you had a choice to have and be anything at all, would you choose the negative and undesirable circumstances that have come up in the past to repeat themselves or would you change them to something better?
The ego's images are imprinted in our minds so that when a similar situation comes up or even when you hear a familiar phrase that could lead to similar circumstances, we are reminded of that situation by the memory of the images, thoughts, and emotions that are stored. The ego reacts as though the same scenario will manifest again by bringing forth the images, thoughts, and emotions that we experienced at that time thus manifesting the same patterns of behavior and calling into being the same circumstances in our lives over and over again!
Our brains are more like muscles than we know and are capable of amazing feats of creation, restoration, healing, inspiration, and influence than we are aware of or even know yet. If we don't use that muscle it will atrophy and it is as if we have become a culture of lazy brained victims because we have forgotten the actions needed to exercise our right to and the power of our imagination to create a more beautiful, peaceful, and powerful expression of who we were meant to be. We vibrate at a very low level of energy that keeps us stuck in fear, lack, and depression at times. Then we wonder "why did this or that happen or keep happening", "why can't I make my life work", "make more money", or "find the right relationship".
OK, an example of this has occurred in my own life and I have been the lazy brained victim that I have described to you above. I can look at it now and be grateful for the awakening to the truth of my true power and for the opportunity to be able to share this with you, so that you too may be able to break through to a more uniquely expressive version of you.
For a very long time I have been sad and frustrated by the fact that I could not see any images in my mind when attempting to visualize something that I was inspired to think about. I would try to conjure up an image and it would just become muddled by images from the past or it would feel as if there were a solid wall in the way of my imagination. It was so easy though for my ego to bring back the images of the negative vortex of failures in relationships, lack of cooperation from others, and just plain unexplained negative results in circumstances in almost every area of my life.
I got to the point where I thought I was destined to be stuck in the same vortex of failure and lack forever. Then I made a commitment to do the work in "May Cause Miracles". The day to day meditation practice and exercises in using the willingness to choose, to forgive, to be grateful, to recognize, and to release the past negative attitudes and beleifs that the ego perpetuates, and create a new mindset for getting ready to create a new reality and use your imagination as inspiration nudges you to do. I believe that by week 3 of this daily work I discovered that I was able to visualize in my minds eye for the first time in what has felt like forever, vivid images of myself creating a change in my ability to have an increase in abundance. My mind muscle is working again and getting stronger as the days go on as long as I keep using it!
I believe that this work can be the turning point in many peoples lives. It takes a willingness and a commitment to do the work and it is definitely hard work in silencing the ego's false beliefs, but you will be amazed at the difference it can make in your life. I am feeling reconnected to my true self/my inner guide and to the Oneness of all with an enthusiasm for this work with purpose.
To The Awakening of Your Inspiration,
I am ravenous for information in my search for truth and have found threads that connect all truths like a beautiful silk web of thought. I have found these two books to be directly connected for me and maybe they will inspire you as well, as you travel through the path in unraveling your truth...